World Rugby has today launched its 2025 call for applications to fund player welfare research projects. The international federation funds rugby specific research to ensure that the game remains at the forefront of player welfare, advancing knowledge for the benefit of the whole of the game.  

Research grants are focused on specific player welfare topics where a broader base of research is required. 

For the 2025 application cycle, World Rugby is adding specific research questions in anti-doping, namely:

  • Does knowledge retention of anti-doping education in elite junior male and female rugby players differ when education is delivered online versus face-to-face?
  • In elite junior male and female rugby players, what is the association between player perceptions of body image and self-reported behaviours in relation to consumption of medications, supplements, and substances on the World Anti-doping Agency Prohibited List?
  • How effective is World Rugby’s nutritional supplements education at changing knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions in relation to supplement consumption and use of food alternatives among elite junior male and female rugby players?

Those interested in submitting proposals addressing these anti-doping research questions should indicate the research question in their application title.

 The full list of topics where World Rugby is most interested in supporting research are:  

  • Concussion 
  • Injury surveillance and prevention at all levels of the game 
  • Player welfare research in women’s rugby 
  • Transgender participation 
  • Anti-doping 
  • Mental health and substance abuse 
  • Long-term health consequences of rugby participation 

World Rugby also invites tenders for more targeted projects identified by its medical working groups as priorities for research. Calls for tender for these projects will be publicised as they are identified. 

Applications for funding can be made via World Rugby’s funding application portal and must be received by 14 April to be considered for the 2025 cycle. Interested applicants should review the guidance provided on applying to World Rugby for funding here

Applicants should prepare a concise and detailed proposal to submit as an initial application. Complete applications are sent for review by independent academic experts that form World Rugby’s Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee will consider several factors when assessing initial applications, such as scientific merit and ability to advance World Rugby’s player welfare mandates. Initial Applications that receive a favourable review will be asked to submit a more detailed project plan later in the year, and final decisions on funding awards will be confirmed at the end of 2025. 

World Rugby Chief Executive Alan Gilpin said: “World Rugby remains the major funder of rugby specific academic research in the world. Whilst more independent funding would undoubtably be welcome, we have a responsibility as an international federation to learn all we can about the best way to look after our players at all levels of the game. In the past few years World Rugby funded research has led to groundbreaking changes in the sport such the addition of smart mouthguards to the HIA process and our ongoing work on a lower legal tackle height in community rugby.

“I would encourage any academic or group of academics with ambitions of conducting rugby specific research to consider applying for our research grants. Player welfare will remain World Rugby’s number priority and we look forward to partnering with academic institutions around the world to advance our collective knowledge and ensure we never stand still in this space.”